Pet Sitting

pet-sittingHere are a few tips as to where to find and what to look for in a professional pet sitter

Where to find a professional pet sitter:

  • Contact the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (800-296-PETS)
  • Solicit recommendations from friends, your veterinarian, vet technicians or dog trainer, or your local humane society
  • Check your local Yellow Pages

What to know when choosing a pet sitter:

  • What training has the sitter received?
  • Does the sitter carry liability insurance
  • Will the sitter provide a written contract detailing his responsibilities?
  • Does the sitter have a veterinarian he/she can turn to if necessary?
  • Is there a back-up sitter in case of illness, ect.?
  • Can the sitter provide personal references?
  • Will the sitter visit with you beforehand to talk about your pet’s specific needs and behavior?
  • Can the sitter easily be reached if your plans change during travel?

Finally, one good test is to ask yourself if you feel comfortable speaking with a potential sitter from the very first call or visit – because a pet sitter is more than just a paid professional. They’re people you need to truly trust.